Homeschooling is a grand adventure full of wonderful and meaningful experiences of learning, sharing, and growing. As with any new venture, it can be a little overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be though! Just take it one step at a time.
First, begin with learning the laws of homeschooling within the state of Alabama. Please visit HSLDA to learn about how we homeschool in Alabama.
Once you are familiar with the laws, you will know that enrolling in a church school is one of the options for homeschooling within the state of Alabama. Take the time to choose the school that best fits your needs. There are many throughout the state.
After enrolling with your church school, you will be ready to begin to choose curriculum and explore options for extra-curricular activities for your homeschooling journey. There are many curricula publishers available. Here are just a few that you may wish to review:
After choosing your curriculum, you are ready to embark on this wonderful journey. Start slow. Begin with one or two subjects to get into a groove and find the routine that works best for your family. We school year round, so you have plenty of time to accomplish 160 days of attendance to meet Alabama’s attendance requirements. Once you have established what works best for you, i.e. school first thing, school in the afternoon, 4 days on 3 days off, etc., you will be ready to add in the additional subjects and will feel more comfortable with the heavier load. Don’t forget that learning is about much more than textbooks. Be sure to experience life together! Cook in the kitchen, garden, go on nature walks, visit museums, participate in field trips, explore the zoos and aquariums, and make the library your best friend. Learning happens through experience. As your students experience these wonderful adventures, what they are learning in their textbooks will become more meaningful and thereby, they will develop a deeper understanding of their studies.
Finally, if you have any questions or need help along the way, remember that your HCS family is here to help you. Be blessed in this path God has laid before you.